Many actors and actresses like Alia Bhatt, Anushka Sharma in the past have extended their support towards animal safety and animal rights. They have often participated in initiatives related to the cause too. Now, yet another actor who has been batting for a similar cause is Sidharth Malhotra! In fact, he has written a letter to Honorable Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi for animal safety.
Sidharth Malhotra, who is fond of animals and even owns a pet dog named Oscar, has decided to voice his support to animal protection and safety. Supporting the same, he has written a letter to our PM and we have now caught hold of a copy of the same. The actor has requested to increase the punishment for cruelty against animals.
“Our nation’s primary animal-welfare legislation, The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, is woefully outdated. Currently the penalty for cruelty to animals is just Rs. 10 to Rs. 50 for a first offence and up to Rs. 100 or three months in prison for a subsequent offence – barely equivalent to a slap on the wrist,” said the excerpt from the letter.
“As a result, the newspapers are filed with reports of disturbing and egregious animal abuse in our country, including incidents in which dogs were poisoned, cows were burned with acid and cats were beaten to death. This does signification damage to our reputation as a nation that respects animals,” stated the letter.
The same was concluded with, “If those guilty of cruelty to animals received jail time and significant fines – as well as counselling and a ban on contact with animals – it would help ensure that our duty under Article 51A (g) of the Constitution of India to show animals compassion is better upheld and respected and that society at large is protected from violent behavior.”
Sidharth Malhotra is yet to receive a response to his letter but we are sure that many from his fraternity will definitely come out in support of him in this endeavor.
Also Read: INSIDE PICS: Katrina Kaif and Sidharth Malhotra party TOGETHER with Abhishek and Shweta Bachchan
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