Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore has given some of the known celebrities a special task. The former professional shooter, on Tuesday, took to this Twitter to urge the Indian citizens to follow a better and healthy lifestyle. After urging the citizens to participate, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore has also challenged Indian cricket team skipper Virat Kohli, shuttler Saina Nehwal and Hrithik Roshan to join the #FitnessChallenge to inspire others.
“#HumFitTohIndiaFit Post pictures and videos of how you keep yourself fit and send a #FitnessChallenge to your friends on social media. Here’s my video and I challenge @iHrithik, @imVkohli & @NSaina to join in,” Rajyavardhan Rathore tweeted earlier this week along with a video. He said, “Whenever I see Prime Minister Narendra Modi, I get inspired by him. He has a lot of energy. He is working all day long. He wants to see India fit. So, I am getting inspired by him and taking some time off my work to engage in some fitness activities.”
Hrithik Roshan took up the challenge and has taken it on the streets of Mumbai. He was cycling and shared a video from the same challenge. He captioned it, “This initiative makes me so proud ! Bravo @Ra_THORe #HumFitTohIndiaFit #FitnessChallenge this is how I commute to my office everyday. sitting static in a car is such a waste. Walk, cycle, jog, feel the earth, feel India get FIT!”
On the work front, Hrithik Roshan will be seen playing a Patna based Math teacher Anand Kumar in Super 30. The actor will be seen portraying a North Indian (Bihari) role for the first time and the fans are more than excited to witness the unusual character of Hrithik.
This initiative makes me so proud ! Bravo @Ra_THORe #HumFitTohIndiaFit #FitnessChallenge this is how I commute to my office everyday. sitting static in a car is such a waste. Walk, cycle, jog, feel the earth, feel India ???????? get FIT! pic.twitter.com/twoI1vna9c
— Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) May 22, 2018
Also Read: Hrithik Roshan is a FAN of Indo-American singer Vidya Vox and here’s the proof!
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